Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Mountain Castle

High up in the mountains,
looking out over the rim.
there the sky is clean blue.
There the trees glass green.
That’s the place I once lived in.
There life is aglow
aglow with a beam.

Throughout the night, under my bedcovers,
I would hearken the silence of night
and the sound of wind.
the snow falling soft and white.
Pure as my heart’s wishes.
It would fall on and on, on
the lovely cones of tree leaves
and the thick hill beneath the trees.
And the hills above the sky.

Today, the very same hills,
With changing patterns and whims,
They shroud a new look
Smelling redolence.
With the first fall of snow…
So many secrets they preserve…
Only to me they show.
Deep whispers in the walls of my white castle..

A sudden dusk...
A loud whimper of a wistful longing

A new morning...

And the slipping sand in my hand
under a new moon....

A beautiful castle ....